
Bine ati venit in locul in care ideile dumneavoastra va vor conduce catre ceva cu adevarat important! Bine ati venit la Imark Sistem!

Fie ca sunteti la inceput de drum sau un profesionist cu experienta, la Imark Sistem va oferim permanent oportunitatile pentru a va dezvolta constant competentele si a atinge urmatorul nivel. Sa lucrati la Imark Sistem inseamna sa fiti alaturi de oameni care impartasesc aceeasi viziune si aceeasi pasiune pentru excelenta. Ca angajat al Imark Sistem, aveti calitatea de membru respectat al unei echipe castigatoare care face ca aceasta companie sa fie una dintre cele mai bine cotate din Romania, in domeniul sau de activitate.

Credem in integritatea profesionala si dedicarea continua clientilor si membrilor comunitatii in care traim. Definim tendinte si modelam viitorul industriei, iar, in paralel, educam si dezvoltam comunitatea de care apartinem. Credem ca succesul se construieste in timp, pe bazele stabile ale unei gandiri sanatoase de business si ale unor obiective clare si realizabile. Reusim sa imbinam armonios performantele profesionale cu dezvoltarea noastra personala. Ne respectam familia, avem grija de sanatatea noastra si stim sa ne distram. Sarbatorim fiecare victorie si ne dorim, prin realizarile noastre, sa fim o sursa de inspiratie pentru cei din jur. Ne respectam promisiunile si incercam intotdeauna sa oferim mai mult decat promitem.

Ambitia noastra de a fi cei mai buni vine din dedicarea pentru cei care ne-au acordat increderea lor. Incercam sa le oferim clientilor nostri solutii eficiente, performante si simplu de utilizat. Misiunea noastra este sa ne ajutam permanent clientii cu informatii si sfaturi competente, pentru ca succesul lor este succesul nostru.

Veniti alaturi de noi!


Welcome to the place where your ideas will lead you to something really important! Welcome to Imark Sistem!

Whether you are at the beginning or an experienced professional, at Imark Sistem we are always offering opportunities to constantly develop your skills and reach the next level. Working at Imark Sistem means to be with people who share the same vision and passion for excellence. As an employee of Imark Sistem, you have the quality of a respected member of a winning team that makes this company one of the best-rated in Romania in its field of activity.

We believe in professional integrity and continued dedication to our customers and members of the community we live in. We define trends and shape the future of the industry, while, in the same time, we educate and develop the community we belong to. We believe that success is built over time, on the foundations of a healthy thinking and of clear and achievable goals. We manage to harmoniously combine professional performance with our personal development. We respect our family, we take care of our health and we know to have fun. We celebrate every victory and we want, through our achievements, to be a source of inspiration for those around us. We respect our promises and always try to offer more than we promise.

Our ambition to be the best comes from dedicating to those who have given us their trust. We are trying to provide our customers with efficient, performant and easy to use solutions. Our mission is to permanently assist our clients with competent information and advice, because their success is our success.

Come along with us!

More information about available jobs:

Sales Agent

Read and download the information in pdf format

Automation Engineer

Read and download the information in pdf format

JD Electrician

Read and download the information in pdf format

Mechanical Technician

Read and download the information in pdf format

CVs can be send to the e-mail address

Sales AgentAutomation EngineerJD ElectricianMechanical Technician

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