In a constantly moving world, even packaging must meet the traceability and consumer information conditions mentioned in the current regulations. Therefore, together with the design, marking and coding of the packaging is a matter of great importance. Marking of glass packaging can be done in optimal conditions with inkjet printers. The types of marking they can make are: expiration date, serial number / batch number, different character types (text), logo, barcodes, 2D (QR, DataMatrix etc) or graphics.
Manufacturers of the beverage industry now have the advantage of using white ink compatible with the dark glass packaging, used most frequently in beer factories. White ink can be used successfully on both returnable and non-returnable bottles.
In the past, most manufacturers were forced to use ink in dark colors, yellow or blue. The colors were not particularly pleasant for the eye, but they were necessary to realize the contrast with the glass. The new white ink from Markem-Imaje offers manufacturers the great advantage of being resistant to pasteurization and adheres very well to glass. It can be removed with a low sodium solution. White ink is ideal for marking and coding returnable bottles that have Opticoat® or other scratch prevention treatments.
Besides being ideal for marking and coding bottles in dark colors, the adhesion qualities of the new Markem-Imaje white ink make it an excellent choice for marking applications on aluminum boxes or PET bottles.
The Markem-Imaje 9450Sc Inkjet Printer is designed to mark and code up to 120,000 bottles per hour, and, together with white ink, is the perfect solution for the needs and challenges in the beverage industry.
For more technical information, support, or for learning more about other marking solutions and technologies, please contact us!